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Apr 29, 2009

Sumatra PDF 0.9.3

If you have used Adobe Reader you might have come to the same conclusion as the initial authors of Sumatra PDF reader. We need something fast, and minimalistic with less unnecessary things laying around and Sumatra PDF reader fits in that definition perfectly.

User interface is pretty minimalistic and contains only necessary things needed to view and manipulate your PDF files. You can open and save files, set viewing options, view bookmarks, set navigation options, choose languages, and of course send your PDF to print. That’s about it, give or take some features, but it is just enough for any quick PDF session. Furthermore this tool is also minimalistic in the sense of file size, just over a megabyte, and installation options, or better said, there are no installation options. We are talking about only one executable file which means you can put it on your flash stick and use it whenever and wherever you need it as long as that place has a Windows operating system installed. It also has a good support with opened code base for users with programming knowledge contributions.

With this tool you can access your PDF files quickly and easily but don’t expect it to do every possible thing you can think of. It only does what it is build to do and that is enough for us. It is free, well supported, and community oriented, so give it a spin and report any bugs you may encounter so they can make it even better.

Source : http://www.shortapps.com/

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