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May 5, 2009

15 Firefox Addons Every Webmaster Must Use

Firefox has gained popularity amongst webmasters for good reason. The browser not only complies with W3C, but also has a great collection of addons to comfort developers in their quest to create the ultimate website.

Although there are hundreds of addons for webmasters, many are repeats or simply dumb downed versions of already successful extensions. Because of this, I have come up with a list of 15 addons every developer must have.

  • Web Developer Toolbar – The most essential tool for any web developer. Has window resize; ruler; the ability to outline frames, current elements, links, tables, block elements; view anything hidden; and many, many more features.
  • Javascript Debugger – Use Javascript or Ajax? Javascript is a huge help when finding and fixing bugs.
  • SEO for Firefox – Lookup links, PR, and social bookmarking stats on the fly. Also shows info within SEs.
  • User Agent Switcher – So you can browse the web as Google to see what your competitors are hiding.
  • Adblock Plus – So you can browse your site if you have any ads without worry.
  • FireBug - Edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page.
  • SearchStatusShows PR, Alexa and Compete within Firefox.
  • AdSense Notifier – Get updates on AdSense earnings within Firefox. Great for the every 15-minute checkers.
  • Load Time Analyzer - Displays detailed graphs of loading time in Firefox. The graphs display events like page requests, image loading times, etc.
  • HTML Tidy Firefox Extension – Lets you know of HTML and XHTML errors or warnings on the status bar as well as within the view source page.
  • Colorzilla Firefox Extension – Hover the eyedropper over a color within Firefox and Colorzilla will display what Hex and RGB value it holds.
  • Live HTTP Headers Extension – Lets you view HTTP headers within real time as the page is loading. It will tell you about cookies, last modified, server type and more.
  • IE View Extension – Sometimes it’s just easier to view things in one browser rather than two. Just right click and tell Firefox you want the tab to be opened within IE and it will show within a separate tab within Firefox.
  • The Copy Plain Text Extension – For some reason or another we have all had to copy and paste information from a website. This extension makes it even easier by stripping the copies material of all format.
  • View Rendered Source Extension – A beautified view source extensions which increases readability.

Don’t have Mozilla Firefox?

Source : http://impnerd.com/

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