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Jun 27, 2009

Add Your URL to Bing Search Engine - How To

A quick tip on how to add your blog or website URL to Bing.com search index. There are two approaches to submit your URL to Bing, first, submit your URL to Bing Submit Page or register your URL in the Bing Webmaster Page. You can do both.
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1. To add your blog URL to Bing hassle free, without becoming a Microsoft Live's user, check this article, http://www.blogtactic.com/2009/06/add-or-submit-blog-url-to-bingcom.html
2. To register your blog URL to Bing Webmaster Page:
2.1 Navigate to this Bing Webmaster Page if you want to submit your website to Bing. You will need to sign in with your Windows Live ID to access the webmaster center.
2.2 Enter your blog URL and also sitemap URL (sitemap is optional, but it is highly recommended to add one).
2.3 Next step is to verify your website and this can be done either with XML verification or adding HTML meta tag verification into your blog HTML. You can get more details from the help center.
2.4 Once your website or blog is validated, you can see the complete details of the website submitted like number of URLs indexed, any issues with the crawling etc.

Registering your blog URL to Bing Webmaster Page have more advantage, that is your blog URL get indexed by Bing.com faster and you have the option to submit your sitemap and perform other webmaster functions. Bing Webmaster Page is a lighter version of Google Webmaster Page.

Source : http://www.blogtactic.com/


Meryl (proud pinay) said...

hi budia, thanks for the tips. ^_^


Meryl (proud pinay) said...

i already submitted my url to bing.thanks for the info.

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