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Mar 10, 2009

How Google Adsense Detect Clicks by Codes

After several months being a Google's Publisher from Google AdSense, now I want to write something about Google AdSense. Do you realized recently Google AdSense has new trick to identify valid click and store these clicks information with some code. So, every click has different ID and it store in google database. Base on these database, Google AdSense Team will analysis every data to make sure where'is counted as valid click or fraud.

Recently, end of February I guess (I'm not really sure since when), Google detect click ID with some code that we can see... these the sample :






Look, we can see that Google Adsense add some code to detect these click with same pattern : &gclid=" some code "
It always same code..begin with "&gclid="

With my experiment, google will count click if visitor explore more deep about click, and these will indicated by &gclid= code disappear.

So, if I a visitor and click a Google Adsense ads, as normally I'll go to the Advertiser Site. At the first, google code will detect click ID with &gclid= code. After I click link in from that first page (home), ex : click contact or..click some product, then &gclid= will disappear. These click will counted by google.
But, If I don't click a link (to show how interest I'm), then that click will not counted!

Even your visitor click has been counted in your Earn Report, it still not a guarantee Google AdSense will pay you. They will analysis again before the payment date. They need to sure that your visitor click is a valid click..(ex :come from a Search Engine, browse your page, then click google adsense ads). If they detect that click was a fraud, then they will not pay you.. The money will return back to the advertiser. Google doing these analysis step by accessing their database base on "&gclid=" code.

This is an example uncounted click :


see? I think google will detect this click are fraud because it came from a publisher click..
The indication code are : &client=ca-pub-***************

So, if your visitor just click your google ads and not explore more deep to the advertiser site, google will not counted that click!
This is equitable for the advertiser, so their money spent to google adword will not futile.

Well, that's my experience..maybe you could "ameliorate" or verify... don't forget to put your comment below.
Thank you..

Source : http://anggaran-budget-manipulation.blogspot.com/

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