Today, after 2 lattes and a shot of espresso, I have decided to share with you guys one of the shortcuts to Alexa Page Ranking success. No, I’m not gonna sell you anything. I’m sharing this because, well, let’s just say I’m feeling pretty buzzed right now. I’m sure a lot of those who will chance upon this entry are starting to roll their eyes and say, ‘Yeah, yeah. He’s just gonna tell me that I need lots of traffic ( to up my Alexa ranking.” And you know what you eye-rollers are absolutely correct. However there’s some twist here and I’m sure you’re gonna come out the wiser for being a little more patient. I’m going to share you a secret aren’t I, so I’m a bit entitled to some little drama.
Ok, lest some of you roll your eyes, again, and think that I’m just spewing hot air in here, again, I’m just gonna cut to the chase and dive in.
As you have correctly surmised, to go anywhere near a respectable Alexa Page Rank, you need traffic. There’s no way around that. However, we’re not talking about your regular traffic here. There are some folks who have tons of traffic but are still showing dismal Alexa Page Ranks. There are blogs however who only show very little to moderate traffic but are showing really good Alexa Rankings.
Case in point is my little travel blog, Philippines Travel Blog. This blog I created sometime in December last year, which makes it around 8 months old. If you would look at its Alexa Ranking, it’s now hovering around 170K. A couple of weeks ago it was around 140K but that’s for another story. I believe I mentioned before in one of my Alexa Page Rank updates that I couldn’t understand why its Alexa Rank is so high when it’s only getting around 200 visits a day. Actually I had my suspicions but I didn’t want to jump to conclusions then. I have confirmed it now and thus this post.
Alright back to traffic. For your Alexa Page Rank to really get going you need to have a special kind of traffic. What I mean by this is that the traffic that’s coming to your site should be 1> varied, and 2> have the Alexa Toolbar installed. Varied traffic means that your traffic has to come from different geographic locations, not just from your area or country. I think Maki of mentioned #2 in his article, 20 Ways To Increase Your Alexa Page Rank, this is a very good read, though a bit outdated.
Ok, you’re probably thinking that all this is fine but how do we get varied traffic and visitors who have the Alexa Toolbar installed? Now this is the big secret. Actually it’s no big secret, I bet that some of you guys are already using it, but for a totally different purpose. I’m talking about Entrecard. If you already have Entrecard installed, good for you, if not, and you want to see some bump in your Alexa Rankings, this is a very good tool that you really should try out.
With Entrecard, you get to receive traffic from all sources (varied traffic), and I get the feeling that most of those who use this tool have the Alexa Rank Toolbar installed as well. Now this is no mere speculation. As I said earlier regarding my Travel Blog, it was hovering around 140K but the moment I stopped using Entrecard, Alexa Rankings started falling. I wonder why.
In closing, while Entrecard will certainly take you a couple of rankings higher in terms of Alexa Rankings, do not view it as a permanent tool. Sooner or later you need to get varied traffic independent of the Entrecard widget. Get those keywords working and optimize. Entrecard is good as a traffic startup tool but it is time consuming. There will come a time when you’ll grow tired of dropping them Entrecards, so be sure that you have the SEO basics covered.
I hope that this little post has been a little help in boosting your Alexa Page Rank.
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