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Aug 24, 2009

5 New AdSense Tips from Google Team to Increase Your Revenue

During the last five weeks in June and July Google team shared a weekly post about optimizing your blog in order to increase your AdSense revenue. Those tips what they called as “Speeding Up in Slowdown” were presented in five educational series. Now as the series is completed i would like to share it here with you in case you missed those valuable tips. Those five tips are: Understanding Your Business, Retaining Your Visitors, Attracting More Visitors, Increasing Your Revenue Potential and Attracting More Advertiser Spend. Of those five tips my favorite is the fourth one since it’s more practical and easy to implement.

In this post, i’ll share the summary about each single tips and how do i think about it and you may check the details of the tips on Google AdSense blog. Anyway, those five tips now have been compiled by Google team into a single guideline as part of the AdSense help page.

Understanding Your Business

In this first section, Avinash Kaushik, the Analytics Evangelist at Google presented his idea about analyzing your blog content to find which part of your blog content that attracts most for your visitors and which part needs to be improved. All of this you can do using Google Analytics. And with the integration of Google Analytics and AdSense you can also find out where Adsense performs best on your blog.

Well, this is really interesting and absolutely will be useful if you know how to work with Google Analytics. However many blogger i’m sure don’t really expert in dealing with Google Analytics. The best you can do is probably to increase your blog page views and lower the bounce rate. It means your blog visitors will spend more time on your blog that will give more chances to click your AdSense ads. For the AdSense on Google Analytics, as far as my experience it’s somehow doesn’t match with the result on Google AdSense report. So i don’t really depend on this at the moment.

Retaining Visitors

In this section, Ricardo Prada, a user experience researcher at Google presented how blog design and SEO are not the key factor for a blog to be successful. He tried to emphasize that helping your blog visitors to achieve what they need is the most important factor to make them stay longer on your blog. In correlation with that the ads position supposed not to distract your blog visitors experience.

Personally i don’t really agree with the first idea. Blog design and layout are two factors that supposed to work in synergy. A great blog design without good task layout will be useless. But a blog with great task layout and contents but has cluttered design will somehow also distract the visitors. But i strongly agree about the ads placement. Lately we can easily find so many blogs crowded with banner ads every single corner of the blog and i’m sure it’s not a good practice.

Attracting More Visitors

In the next section, Jack Herrick, the founder of wikiHow explained about attracting more visitors to your blog. However personally i think it’s so cliche and too abstracts. A site like wikiHow is not comparable with a single blog. Like most blog tips, attracting more visitors always started with “Producing great content”, everybody knows that. So Jack supposed to be more details about what idea he wants to present.

Increasing Your Revenue Potential

Well, this part is my favorite. I have seen this kind of tips so many times but there’s always something new to learn. In this section, Mel Ann and Tim, two AdSense Optimization Specialist, explain in details about how to optimize your AdSense revenue potential in 5 simple steps. If you new in AdSense i encourage you to exercise this tips and see how it can improve your AdSense results.

Understanding Your Business

I was expecting another great and practical tips to close the five-week educational series, but it’s far from what i expected. Instead of posting a practical tips, Christian Ashlock, the manager of AdSense optimization team explained about how to attract more advertiser spend. Again, it’s just another cliche tips like the third one. Personally i don’t really like it and seems not really applicable to me.

Finally, though this is a great guidance but still lack of practical things that i’m sure will be more make sense and acceptable by small AdSense users. But don’t worry guys, you can still find many resources out there like what i post few weeks ago about the 25+ Remarkable AdSense Tips You Should Read (http://www.papajojo.com/25-remarkable-adsense-tips-you-should-read/). As what i said few days ago, keep learning -> Practise -> Evaluate and Improve!

Source: http://www.papajojo.com/5-new-adsense-tips-from-google-team-to-increase-your-revenue/

1 comment:

66epp2 said...

Google Ad Sense Message Boards Fraud
Google Ad Sense is when a web site owner opens an account with Google to place advertisement on their web site. When a person clicks this advertisement, the web site owner gets an average commission of .45 cents. A web site that gets a lot of traffic, they can easily make $150,000 per month.
There are message boards claiming to be informing the public about scams being done by companies or individuals. These web sites have individuals working for them for the sole purpose of targeting companies or individuals in order to generate traffic to the web site. This method is artificially generating traffic to the web site, this is FRAUD as outlined by Google. The higher the traffic, the higher the percentage of individuals that will click onto the Google advertisements.
Additionally, Individuals post copy right information about a company on these types of web sites; this is against the policy of the Google Ad Sense program.
If you believe that you are being targeted by individuals on a particular web site; simply click the Ads by Google in the bottom right hand corner of the advertisement on the web site. You will be taken to a Google page, click onto: Report a policy violation regarding the site or ads you just saw.
File a report and the Google Fraud Department will investigate.

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